Volume 1, Number 18 November 19, 2003

Kangsy's Fashion Statement


One thing we all love the Seoul Sisters for is their fashion sense. They bring color and fun to the often drab sport of golf. And one of the players at the forefront of this trend is Soo Yun Kang, who has been nicknamed 'The Fashion Model of the Fairways' both for her thinness and her flair for sharp looking clothes.

Here's a particularly striking outfit Kangsy wore to the 2002 KLPGA awards banquet. While most of the rest of the ladies favored black suits or dresses, Soo Yun boldly stood out in this bright pink outfit. Looking like something out of Princess Jasmine's closet (from the movie Aladdin), this outfit turned heads and got tongues wagging. Just like a fashionable gal likes it!
