1, Number 16 October 22, 2003 |
Editorial on the Jan Stephenson comments
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3 |
Last week, Jan Stephenson became the first woman
to play on the men's Senior golf tour, the 'Champion's Tour'. She accepted
this invitation because, or so she says, she was hoping to publicize the
fledgling Women's Senior Tour by proving that the old time women can still
play. However, any positive publicity she was hoping to snag was quickly
washed away in a sea of negativity. Was it because she played poorly and
finished dead last in the field? Hardly; given Stephenson's play of late,
one would not have expected her to do much better. No, it was because an
interview with Golf Magazine was made public in which, among (many) other
ill-considered things, she attacked the Asian players on the LPGA tour.
"This is probably going to get me in trouble, but the Asians
are killing our tour. Absolutely killing it. Their lack of emotion, their
refusal to speak English when they can speak English. They rarely speak.
We have two-day pro-ams where people are paying a lot of money to play
with us, and they say, 'Hello and good-bye.' Our tour is predominantly
international and the majority of them are Asian. They've taken it over."

The unemotional Se Ri Pak

Mi Hyun Kim can barely contain her boredom
after winning the Wendy's Championship
last year
And as that were not enough, she added this:
"If I were commissioner, I would have a quota on international
players and that would include a quota on Asian players," she continued.
"As it is, they're taking American money. American sponsors are picking
up the bill. There should be a qualifying school for Americans and a qualifying
school for international players. I'm Australian, an international player,
but I say America has to come first. Sixty percent of the tour should
be American, 40 percent international."
When given a chance to apologize on Golf Central, she not only did not
take back what she said, but added that the Asian players 'do not sign
autographs' or 'interact with the fans or media' and 'work
together to avoid sponsor parties' by 'sneaking out of the tent
flap together'.
To be fair, Jan Stephenson did issue an apology, although she never took
anything back she said in the interview. Rather, she insisted she did
not intend to make it a racial issue (but what else is one to make of
the statement 'The Asians are killing the tour'?) and apologized for hurting
people with her remarks. Well and good, but the real hurtfulness, as we
shall see, is that there are a lot of people out there who will defend
Stephenson's remarks. They will assume that, since she is an 'insider',
her facts must be above reproach, and thus will invoke the First Amendment
and say that the outrage is only because of our politically correct times
and our society's unwillingness to hear bad things said about a race of
people. To combat that kind of idiocy, it is necessary to go through her
statements carefully to point out how each and every one of them, without
fail, is at least questionable and at worst a bogus tissue of lies (And
hurtful lying about someone, by the way, is not a First Amendment issue;
it's called slander, and is illegal and actionable). Then we'll examine
her 'brilliant' solution to the problem, and collectively thank our lucky
stars that she is not, and will never be, commissioner of the LPGA.
So did she say anything that's even remotely true? Let's see:
"The Asians are killing the tour"
FALSE. The tour revenues have never been better. Stephenson's ridiculous
premise was based on her notion that the most important and only revenue
generator is the pro-am. But in several other ways, the Asian players
are clearly helping the LPGA make big bucks. There are five Asian companies
sponsoring events this year: Samsung (whose tournament coincidentally
was going on the week the comments first surfaced), CJ & Sports Today,
Mizuno, Takefuji and Asahi Ryokuken. That's a lot of Asian money that
the Americans (and Australians like Stephenson) have no problem taking.
South Korea also pays the largest rights fees for TV coverage of the LPGA
outside the US, and account for the largest international sales of LPGA
merchandise as well. No less a person than Ty Votaw, Commissioner of the
LPGA, pointed out these facts to reporters after this incident, as well
as mentioning that the increased gate at tournaments is in part due to
an influx of Asian fans (mostly Korean) who come to see the events to
watch their heroes.

Some of the Asian companies that support the LPGA

The taciturn Grace Park at Kingsmill this year.
She speaks fluent English, by the way...
"Our tour is predominantly international and the majority of
them are Asian. They've taken it over."
FALSE. There are at most about 30 Asians on tour, maybe 35. That's
out of, what, 200 players with some kind of status on tour? 15% - 20%.
Hardly 'taking over the tour'. And even if you include all International
players (of which Stephenson, who is Australian, is one), that's still
not more than 60% tops (and probably less than half). In my opinion this
is a very racist statement; the evidence clearly contradicts it, but since
she has to see Asian faces these days, where before she saw none, she
makes the logical leap that they are 'taking over'.
"They refuse to speak English when they can speak English"
FALSE. What about Grace Park, Jenny Rosales, Se Ri Pak, Gloria
Park (raised in Australia), Minny Yeo, Siew-Ai Lim, Pearl Sinn, Candie
Kung, Jimin Kang, Young-A Yang? They all speak fluent or virtually fluent
English and do so in all Press Conferences. Han and Kimmie have taken
to speaking English as well, though they are less fluent. Soo-Yun Kang
is reported to be able to speak decently, and I've had a conversation
with Sunny Lee. That's a fairly significant percentage of the Asian players
who can speak English very well, and do so.
Now, are there *any* Asian players who do not
speak English well? Of course. Korea and Japan are not like Western Europe,
where kids are learning English in school from a young age. Some of the
players who come over here do not have much knowledge of the language. And
guess what, it takes a while to acquire it. I see no evidence that the Asian
players who are not fluent are not trying to learn the language (the fact
they can communicate with their caddies is a good sign they have learned
some basics). But give them a chance to learn it without instantly accusing
them (without evidence, I might add) of not even trying. Would Stephenson
be giving press conferences in Japanese less than a year after joining a
Japanese golf tour? Of course not. |
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